Thursday, March 10, 2011

Read this.

I'm in tech week for An Enemy of the People. We don costumes tonight. I'll have a better idea of what the facial hair situation is going to be. It all depends what the other guys have. I'm quite certain, Hovstad won't be wearing a full beard. I'm guessing I may be in the mustache/goatee realm. But another curveball could be mutton chops (not that I can wear those all that well). Stay tuned.

I favor these short paragraphs. This could be my blog's "thing." Is it irritating for some? I dunno. We channel surf and web surf (sometimes simultaneously). People are becoming pros at multitasking. My mind jumps and leaps from one to the other. My inspiration is this book/manifesto/quote collage called Reality Hunger. I love it. I think I may read it backwards once I finish it.

I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see, and what it means.

Perhaps my way of sorting things out is through writing. That doesn't happen just here (of course not). But  I have a ridiculous time articulating myself. This has been made evident in a staff meeting I just attended as well as rehearsal this afternoon. I'm not suggesting that I have to script out things, but I may have to speak them out or something before I can figure out WHAT is going on.

Battlestar Galactica could be a dangerous thing that one can stream on Netflix.

I'm equally giddy and anxious about what books I'm going to bring on an upcoming tour for An Enemy of the People. No doubt I'll bring too many.

I'm also eager to make a playlist for all the driving around. It's going to be awesome.

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