Thursday, January 16, 2014

ARS Day 16

It's the day of the show, y'all!

We had a longer-than-usual morning meeting. The big debate was about interludes. We've settled on having two ten-minute interludes that fit nicely within the three-act structure of this play. Each interlude has two songs, it really only adds five minutes to the total running time, which isn't too bad because this show is likely our shortest of the season. I think it clocks at just over two hours if you include the interludes.

The other gigantic change (it is for me, anyway), is that we have done away with the B sign for Brighella's inn. An outside observer said it's more confusing to have it. I'm totally fine with this, and I was about to bring it up if no one else would. This eliminates the amount of time I have to run up and down the stairs. I was willing to be a trooper, but now I have an entire act to work on lines before I go on stage. Music and pre-show speech aside, I don't have to enter on stage for a good 50 minutes or so.

We spent the afternoon chunk spot-checking some scenes and working on the music full-tilt.

Then: the first preview. It was a good crowd, and they seemed to love the show. That's the next element we need, methinks--especially with comedies, figuring out where jokes and bits need to land. It's a big ol' experiment (like a lot of this season).

We have more time for rehearsal tomorrow, and then the show is off and running. Two down, three more to go!

(Note: I've allowed comments on the blog now. It was only restricted to blogger users, but we'll try this out if anyone has questions or remarks they'd like to make)

1 comment:

GrannyB said...

Thanks for making the change. More questions to come later.