Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Odyssey's just begun

I'm working on an official website. I screwed up with my domain, and I don't have the energy to deal with it/fix it right now. In any case, I've opened The Odyssey.

You can read a preview/feature about adapting the hundreds of pages of the epic poem in to a 2-hour production here.

Here's a photo of the Cyclops that I help maneuver. I'm in the right of the picture, holding the left arm and keeping Odysseus at bay. This was a photo from one of our dress rehearsals. The Cyclops' eye doesn't just have a big X in the middle of it. It actually looks like an eye now. But I think it gives a good indication.

People really seem to enjoy the show.

We're doing an 8-show week starting Tuesday:

Tuesday - Student Matinee
Wednesday - Student Matinee
Thursday - Student Matinee, Evening Show
Friday - Student Matinee, Evening Show
Saturday - Evening Show
Sunday - Matinee

I'm getting a bit tired just thinking about that. But that's how the biz goes and I'm just fortunate that the cast is a blast to work with (and hang out with afterwards).

I'm not sure about reviews. I don't think any have been published. I haven't really had a stakes in a big-time press review before, and this could be the first chance that I would (IF they mention the ensemble work in the show, which is likely because this show is all about ensemble and collaboration).

In other news, I'm starting to really get things together for grad school auditions. There's not a whole bunch left for me to work on other than reviewing my pieces and printing off my resume, getting copies of my transcripts, etc.

I also have a TON of office work to do. I'm telecommuting the whole time while I'm up in St. Paul. This means that I'm essentially working from home via the Web, and it's proved to be a daunting task. I find I'm able to get more work done in coffee shops, but that can be expensive (all those little dollars sure do add up).

Even though things are on the stressful side, I'm more than content with the projects and company I've got, and that's a wonderful thing.

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