Saturday, April 24, 2010

Martin and Ibsen

I'm telling ya, performing an Ibsen drama at night and rehearsing Schmendiman in Picasso at the Lapin Agile in the afternoon is the weirdest thing in the world, but I love it.

I've been watching Steve Martin stuff on YouTube. I just finished reading Cruel Shoes, which is the weirdest book I've ever read in my life--and I'd like to think that I've read some pretty weird stuff. You have to imagine Steve Martin saying these short stories, and when that happens, I continually chuckle. It's a weird thing. I've also got Pure Drivel from the library, which is Martin more sophisticated, supposedly.

I'm also eager to read his autobiography Born Standing Up, which was only 74 cents on Amazon (but then there's three dollars for shipping--still, that's a deal).

I'm not one to really dive in and do a ton of research, but the more and more I hear about Schmendiman specifically, the more I realize that it IS sort of the embodiment of this wild and crazy guy. The whirlwind of two minutes I spend onstage is insane and quite a workout.

All in all, there's a lot of work going on, but I'm thrilled and happy with things. I'm really starting to find the groove of Erhart and Picasso rehearsals are a delight to just watch.

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