Saturday, November 21, 2009

Got a Fever.

We had a preview last night for The 1940's Radio Hour. The audience seemed to like it. We've got some sound issues to deal with still. I can't quite read what people thought of the show overall. We have talk-backs after every preview to gain a better understanding what the audience thinks.

I thought it was a pretty good show. But I'm sick right now, so it's all jumbled. I've got fever symptoms, which isn't ideal for previewing a musical with tricky jazz chords and a tap break (and playing the trumpet).

I sat in bed and watched some episodes of Flash Forward and went to bed. It was the worst night of sleep I've had in a LONG time. I can't even remember the last time I was so restless. I was also half-dreaming about the FBI trying to get to the bottom of a world-wide blackout where most people saw the future (which is the premise of the show).

I'm a bit better now. I feel rested. I've got a bit of rehearsal this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to get to a grocery store for some more food (and JUICE!) between that and our second preview tonight.

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