Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Blogging Metabolism Has Slowed Way Down

It seems every time I come home for Christmas, I get  the itch to blog more. I consider making a list of resolutions. I have ideas of posting every day. I also have plans to share what culture I've "consumed" over the year. I think about extended essays, short anecdotes, pictures, quotes, videos, etc.

But this year, I've been less enthusiastic.

Writing about all my grad school homework does very little for me. Also, because I don't brandish this blog, I feel less obligated.

I've got loads of homework. The biggie is learning the role of Brutus in JULIUS CAESAR. We're rehearsing this beast for a week, and then giving four performances. It's trimmed fairly well, but it's still JULIUS CAESAR!

The other thing is that I've grown quite tired of reading "Actor Blogs" and don't want mine to turn into one. I find them (most, anyway) incredibly annoying.

Actor training blogs aren't, actually, I found them quite useful--especially in realizing that I wanted to go to grad school (shout out to David and Angela). But there's a dearth of them, and I think that's for a good reason.

Generally, "Actor Blog" posts are: "I scored an audition. I got calledback. I didn't get calledback. I can finally announce what I'm doing a month after I've scored the gig. As I rode on the subway, memorizing the sides, I just really felt a connection to the character!"

And then there's a sticky relationship with actors brandishing news and gossip (even if it's harmless) online for anyone to read. From what I can tell, they either reek of too much information or a ton of vagueness.

Gosh, I sound like a downer.

Egad. I just remembered the title of my blog DRIPS of "Acting Blog."

But writing more would probably be better for me (and I need to remember that I can make some posts private). I actually wrote very little during grad school. (Although I did take copious notes in Acting class. I filled up a notebook quickly, and those pages are ALL OVER THE PLACE! Oh man, if someone who had no connection with my graduate training got hold of it, this person would most definitely think I was crazy. I'm not kidding.)

Who knows what the future of this blog will be. I don't want to eliminate it. I've considered transferring this over to my official website, but I think I'll keep that separate for now. I've always had aspirations of commenting more on television, current events, music, literature, and the like. I've just never got there. Goodness, I think I say this every year.

And, really, there's no time to do that while I'm in training.

So, perhaps my haphazard musings will have to do.

The Christmas tree glows. Everyone in the house is asleep. Except for the animals: the cats, and this ridiculously charming and rowdy golden retriever puppy (though he's probably 70 pounds). I'm listening to this incredible new band Polica. There are plenty of treats (chocolate almond toffee!) and drinks. What I'm trying to say that this atmosphere allows for blogging. It doesn't when I have to rush off to combat class at 8:30 am, or drill the open "o" vowel for a General American dialect, memorize, rehearse, clean, or, if I do have some precious time, it's for necessary vegging out and catching up on Parks 'n Rec.

For the near future, I've got some more posts up my sleeve. I have been keeping track of every book and play I've read, every play I've attended, and every movie I watched this year. So I'll get those lists up soon. (Some of it's impressive, some of it's meh.)

Otherwise, I've got ACTING to do (I really do--though I'll probably watch the final episode of Downton Abbey right now). That's what I want to do. It's not about keeping a blog about acting. And I'm ok with that.

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