Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Annotated Mess

1. Tim's Monster Book of Monologues: A 3-inch binder that is starting to fill quite nicely.
2. A graphed Moleskine with notes from the "Monster Reading List" - opened to notes from Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen.
3. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
4. My Life in Art by Stanislavski (I'm reading this right now)
5. American Theatre - a subscription is on of the "Monster Reading List"
6. A copy of The Crucible, which is part of the spring semester's season at UH.
7. A map of the UH campus. It's big.
8. A stack of monologue selections and a song (taken from #1) I'm working on for the first week o' fun.
9. Stacks of plays I have yet to flip through for monologues. You cannot see how high they're stacked, however.

No. The photo is not candid. I'm not a trained wildlife photographer. These books and papers were given sedatives for the purposes of the photoshoot. Otherwise, they're usually running wild. They're not allowed to wander the kitchen or the bathrooms. Some of them are not mine. But I'm taking care of them for the next week. After the initial "getting to know you spine sniffling," they seem to coexist peacefully. Although the Restoration comedies are pretty uppity and need extra TLC.

I think I might be losing it.

Our orientation/intensive begins on August. 15.

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