Monday, May 2, 2011


I cannot get to sleep. It’s been a strange day.

I finished Tina Fey’s Bossypants. This is one of the funniest and smartest people in the world. Her life isn’t glamorous (not that I ever thought it was). This book is a scattered selection of essays that tracks her life chronologically. I was most fascinated by her 30 Rock and Sarah Palin impersonation chapters. It made me laugh many, many times.

I had a matinee of An Enemy of the People. It didn't go so well for me. I had a headache for most of the show and just had a weird energy funk. The audience was great, and we got a slow, but earnest standing ovation.

I cooked tofu for the first time in my life. I'm not a big tofu or even strictly vegetarian, but I've had tofu a few times, and I like it (when it's seasoned well). So I fried some up with a teriyaki sauce and served it with some steamed veggies. It was tasty. I mean, I'm kind of lazy vegetarian in that I'm terribly at cooking any kind of meat and it's too expensive.

Later this evening, I got to work on some writing for grad school. Our head of program wants background info on our lives (family, places we've lived, hobbies, pinnacle moments, etc.). Having just finished Bossypants, I feel like I may be going a bit overboard. I mean...this is an excerpt:

Soccer – I have a bit of pride with this one. I played soccer for 8 years. In Sioux Falls, I was part of the Arsenal, a rec team for four seasons. I can’t recall if we were any good, but I know we weren’t terrible. I spent the beginning of that career playing midfield and ended up on defense. I’d like to think that I was pretty good. If I wasn’t such a band nerd in high school, I may have stuck with it.  


[cut to 30-40 years from now] 

Grandchild: Grandpa, where were you when you heard about the news of Osama’s death?

Gramps Tim: Oh, I was working on this pre-grad school assignment….and then my Twitter account was going absolutely insane…
[back to the background info]
Oh boy...I don't know if that will make the cut.

But I'm all worked up. 

I watched both Seth Meyers and Obama's White House Correspondents' Dinner speeches (both 20 minutes long). Seth, not even five minutes into the speech, starts joking about finding Osama Bin Laden. The camera cuts to President Obama, and he's got the LARGEST smile I have ever seen. HE KNEW! He MUST have. I mean, the joke is funny anyway. But it's a bit eerie. I'm not saying he knew he was dead. Because that would necessitate time travel, I'm pretty sure. I later find out that he had signed off on the operation on Friday morning during the Royal Wedding before flying to Alabama. I guess this can't be confirmed yet. But I read it on Twitter, and that's where news leaks first, apparently. Needless to say, our President has had QUITE the week. Guess he really did have more important things to worry about than his birth certificate.

The cuts to Donald Trump during the speeches are GOLD.

So, I can't sleep. I'm in a strange mix of great spirits, completely tired, and fascinated by the responses on the news, Facebook, and Twitter. It's stunning. Uplifting. Scary. Hilarious. And everything in between. I'm not a big fan of this kegger/spring break rave happening at the White House.

I think I'll read some Stanislavski now...

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